viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016
Desde Redmond magazine
Virtualization Scaling
Join industry experts for an interactive discussion to help you to become the master of your software defined and virtual data center. Topics will include:
- Trust your instruments and automation, however, verify they are working properly
- Insight into how your environment, as well as automation tools, are working
- Leverage automation to handle recurring tasks so you can focus on more productive activities
- Capture, retain and transfer knowledge and tradecraft experiences into automation policies
- Automated system management is only as good as the policies and data they rely upon
- Optimize via automation that relies on reporting for insight, awareness and analytics
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016
Desde Redmond Magazine
You're invited to this online event, "Embedding Security Best Practices in Software Deployments and Management." Learn how to embed security into your automated software deployment and management process. Microsoft MVP Adam Bertram will cover what to look out for, the biggest patching and security compliance pain points, as well as strategies to adhere to application readiness best practices.
martes, 11 de octubre de 2016
Desde Observatorio ITESM
Si bien las universidades no son "escuelas vocacionales" o de comercio, sí deben preparar a los estudiantes para el mundo laboral, especialmente hoy en día ante las cambiantes demandas económicas. Los empleadores esperan graduados con experiencia laboral y competencias adicionales al grado obtenido. Los títulos universitarios ya no son lo que más cuenta. Satisfacer estas demandas es uno de los mayores retos para la educación superior.
Las universidades no son "Escuelas vocacionales" pero deben preparar a los estudiantes para el mundo laboral
The Washington Post
- Las universidades se enfrentan al gran reto de encontrar la mejor manera de integrar el aprendizaje tradicional con la formación de trabajadores para hacer frente a las cambiantes demandas económicas. Actualmente los empleadores quieren graduados con experiencia laboral y competencias adicionales al grado obtenido. Satisfacer todas estas demandas es uno de los mayores retos para la educación superior.
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016
Desde HBR
October 10, 2016
How to Manage a Toxic EmployeeBy Amy Gallo There are ways to limit the harm they do.
Business writing
Stop Trying to Sound Smart When You’re Writing by Liane Davey
Eliminate fancy-pants words.
Talent management
Talent Matters Even More than People Think by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
If anything, it’s still underrated.
Great Performers Make Their Personal Lives a Priority by Stew Friedman
They avoid the trap of zero-sum thinking.
Employee retention
Why Companies Overlook Great Internal Candidates by Wade Burgess
Not everyone wants to be a job hopper.
Leadership development
How Microsoft Uses a Growth Mindset to Develop Leaders by Carol Dweck, Kathleen Hogan
It’s emphasizing learning and creativity.
Leadership transitions
The 5 Elements of a Strong Leadership Pipeline by Josh Bersin
From a survey of 2,000 organizations.
Why Strategy Execution Unravels—and What to Do About It by Donald Sull, Rebecca Homkes, Charles Sull
75% of organizations struggle to implement strategy. Improve your odds of success with this 7-minute video slide deck. To download a customizable version, visit the Visual Library.
Like It or Not, You Are Always Leading by Example by Michael Schrage
So make sure you know what it means.
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016
Desde ISCP