jueves, 25 de abril de 2024

3 Desde Alerta de la Fundación IFRS

Fundación IFRS

25 April 2024

The International Sustainability Standards Board expects to publish the inaugural IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy and related materials on 30 April 2024. 

martes, 23 de abril de 2024

3 Desde Alerta de la Fundación IFRS

 Desde News Alert

23 April 2024

The project will assess whether the requirements of IAS 38 Intangible Assets remain relevant and continue to fairly reflect current business models.

23 Desde Observatorio ITESM


23 Desde Observatorio ITESM


La nueva cultura de la tierra como centro inexcusable de la educación

"No hay ni debería haber mayor prioridad educativa que la de reconstruir nuestra visión del mundo que habitamos, de la manera en que nos relacionamos con él y entre nosotros". Joaquín Rodríguez | Espacios de Educación Superior

jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

10 Desde IFAC

 IFAC Identifies Key Areas Accountants Need to Update their Knowledge & Skills to Prepare for Increasing Sustainability Demands

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has released a new publication setting out four key areas where accountants need to update their knowledge to meet the growing demand for high-quality sustainability-related information. Equipping Professional Accountants for Sustainability: What's New and What Hasn't Changed speaks to the vital role accountants play in producing reliable sustainability-related data, reporting and assurance, as well as the importance of education and training in ensuring professional accountants are able to meet society’s needs.

Much of what accountants already do is transferable to sustainability; however, new topics and challenges require new ways of thinking and working. The framework aims to help professional accountants as well as professional accountancy organizations close any gaps between known and needed technical expertise, business acumen, behavioral competence, and ethics and professional values.

The publication was developed following previous sustainability and education research as part of work to revise the International Education Standards and with the support of the IFAC International Panel on Accountancy Education.

The publication is available on the IFAC website and complements IFAC's existing resources on sustainability, including webinars, podcasts, and publications, all of which are available on the IFAC Knowledge Gateway.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2024

2 Desde GIC


Transformación Digital en Contabilidad y Auditoría


Incorporación de habilidades digitales en la Educación de Contabilidad



La invención de Internet marcó el comienzo de un nuevo paradigma para conseguir la ejecución trabajo. La información se mueve a una velocidad mucho más rápida de lo que cualquiera pueda imaginar. Las respuestas a las consultas solían tardar días por correo postal o por facsímiles convenientes. Estas fueron completamente reemplazadas por respuestas casi instantáneas a través de correos electrónicos, chats en línea y voz a través de protocolos de Internet (VOIP).

La profesión contable proporciona certificación, creación de información, y servicios de apoyo a la toma de decisiones utilizando datos financieros. Esto ha sido realizado principalmente a través de avistamientos físicos de documentos impresos. El desarrollo de la tecnología de la información, en particular la invención de la Internet, ha cambiado sistemática y significativamente la forma en que se ofrecen servicios de contabilidad. Esto fue más evidente en las pandemias globales de 2020 y 2021, donde la auditoría tuvo que realizarse virtualmente porque las empresas y economías estaban cerradas a los contadores y auditores para realizar operaciones in situ de Trabajo físico por períodos de tiempo.

En las décadas de 1960 y 1970, la introducción de la tecnología de la información computarizada, los sistemas de información y el procesamiento electrónico de datos se convirtieron en cursos de contabilidad clave que se impartìan en las escuelas de contabilidad. Sobre el pasar de los años, la aparición de sistemas de información computarizada más sofisticada, como recursos empresariales y sistemas de planificación, además del uso de software de contabilidad, se ha sumado a las habilidades digitales necesarias para formar contadores. Es inconcebible hoy en día para cualquier licenciado en contabilidad no usar una hoja de cálculo.

Una tercera ola de tecnologías digitales, que “transforman y expanden los tipos y fuentes de datos utilizados por los contadores” extendieron aún más las habilidades digitales de los contadores. Moll y Yigitbasioglu (2019) comentaron que “los académicos no han prestado suficiente atención a estas tecnologías y cómo estas tecnologías afectan el trabajo diario de los contadores. Se necesita Investigación con urgencia para comprender los nuevos tipos de contabilidad necesarios para gestionar empresas en la cambiante economía digital y determinar las nuevas habilidades y competencias que los contadores pueden necesitar dominar para seguir siendo relevantes y agregar valor”.

Muchos artículos han abordado la necesidad de que las escuelas de contabilidad incorporen habilidades digitales en sus planes de estudio. Las escuelas de contabilidad tienen que actualizar sistemáticamente sus planes de estudio para garantizar que los estudiantes de contabilidad están bien versados en las cambiantes habilidades digitales que impactan la profesión contable a lo largo del tiempo. Esto es para garantizar que los graduados en contabilidad puedan encajar con la transformación digital que se está produciendo en la profesión contable. De lo contrario, los graduados en contabilidad se quedarán atrás. Sin embargo, con la mayor velocidad de cambio en el conjunto de habilidades digitales, hay debates importantes que las escuelas de contabilidad están luchando por actualizar sus planes de estudio y proporcionar habilidades digitales relevantes para enfrentar estos nuevos desafíos.

Este contenido busca pintar una imagen de cómo sería el futuro de los contables frente a la transformación digital de la profesión contable. Luego analiza la literatura y las opiniones de los profesionales sobre las habilidades digitales clave que los contadores deberían tener para ser competente. En tercer lugar, cubre lo que las escuelas de contabilidad deben hacer para asegurar que los estudiantes de contabilidad estén adecuadamente capacitados y preparados para estas habilidades digitales actuales y emergentes. Finalmente, se analizan los desafíos que enfrentan las escuelas de contabilidad para cumplir con los nuevos requisitos de habilidades digitales para los contadores en el futuro.



Referencia de Fuentes de Información

Perdana, A. y Wang T., (2024). Transformación Digital en Contabilidad y Auditoría. Palgrave, Macmillan. Publicado por Springer, Suiza.

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024

52. Desde TechTarget,



Los CEO quieren adoptar IA generativa, ¿pero podrán hacerla funcionar?

Más allá de invertir solamente en la tecnología de IA generativa, las empresas deben invertir en personas, gestión de procesos empresariales e integración de datos para sacarle todo el  provecho posible.

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024

10 Desde IFAC


IESBA to Hold Interactive Webinars on the Proposed IESSA and Ethics Standards Relating to Sustainability Reporting and Using the Work of an External Expert

(New York, New York, February 07, 2024)

The IESBA is holding interactive global webinars to present the key proposals in the Exposure Drafts on International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (including International Independence Standards) (IESSA) and Other Revisions to the Code Relating to Sustainability Assurance and Reporting and Using the Work of an External Expert.

The Exposure Draft on IESSA and ethics standards for sustainability reporting proposes a clear framework of expected behaviors and ethics provisions for use by all sustainability assurance practitioners, regardless of their professional backgrounds, as well as professional accountants involved in sustainability reporting. The goal of these standards is to mitigate greenwashing and elevate the quality of sustainability information, thereby fostering greater public and institutional trust in sustainability reporting and assurance.

The Exposure Draft on Using the Work of an External Expert proposes an ethical framework to guide professional accountants or sustainability assurance practitioners, as applicable, in evaluating whether an external expert has the necessary competence, capabilities, and objectivity in order to use that expert’s work for the intended purposes. The proposals also include provisions to aid in applying the Code’s conceptual framework when using the work of an external expert.

These proposed ethics (including independence) standards are especially relevant in a context where sustainability information is increasingly important for capital markets, consumers, corporations and their employees, governments and society at large, and when assurance providers outside of the accounting profession play a prominent role in sustainability assurance.

The webinars will provide useful information and valuable insight on the proposals in the Exposure Drafts for participants from all stakeholder groups, including regulators, preparers of sustainability information, sustainability assurance practitioners from all backgrounds, and investors.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024

10 Desde IFAC


IFAC’s Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group Welcomes New Members

(New York, NY, February 05, 2024)

Professional accountants in business (PAIB) play a vital role within various sectors such as commerce, industry, financial services, education, and the public and non-profit sectors. IFAC’s PAIB Advisory Group, established in 1977, is a global forum of finance and business leaders advising the global accountancy profession and its members on critical areas such as sustainability and digital transitions so that PAIBs are well prepared to meet the evolving needs of both business and the public sector in the future.

The newest PAIB Advisory Group members are:

  • Mike Driver, Past President, CIPFA & Independent Non-Executive Director (United Kingdom)
  • Ruth Gardiner Forbes, President and CEO, Fortis TCI Ltd (Turks and Caicos Islands)
  • Lisa Kelley, Managing Director, Floating Interest Corporation (United States of America)
  • Josephine Okui OssiyaCEO, Capital Markets Authority of Uganda (Uganda)
  • Aniket Sunil Talati, Senior Partner, Management Consultancy Services and Advisory, Talati & Talati LLP (India)
  • Charles Xuereb, CEO, Trident Estates Plc (Malta)

With these additions, the PAIB Advisory Group has achieved gender parity. Sanjay Rughani remains Chair and Sharon Ditchburn has been appointed Deputy Chair.

"Every member brings a distinctive and valuable viewpoint on the contributions of professional accountants in business and finance leadership,” said Sanjay Rughani, Chair, IFAC PAIB Advisory Group. “We are privileged to welcome these new members who will share their diverse experiences and offer strategic insights on the profession, expanding its contribution to sustainable economic development worldwide and serve as global champions for the profession.”  

The continuing PAIB Advisory Group members are:  

  • Sanjay Rughani, Chair, CEO, Standard Chartered Bank Uganda (Uganda)
  • Sharon Ditchburn, Deputy Chair, & Managing Director/Founder, Capital Advantage Consultants (Australia)
  • Zia-Ul-Mustafa Awan, CFO and Business Administrator, Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited (Pakistan)
  • Anastasija Boljević, Secretary General, Institute of Certified Accountants of Montenegro (Republic of Montenegro)
  • Esther Bosch, Director Risk & Audit, Royal Schiphol Group (Netherlands) 
  • Ibrahim (Murat) Çağlar, Chief Financial Officer, Sanovel (Türkiye)
  • Eric Freudenreich, Independent Non-Executive Director (France)
  • Lindawati Gani, Professor in Management Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia) 
  • Tim Herrod, Vice President, Global Procurement, Albemarle Corporation (Canada)
  • Margaret Muinde, Financial Controller, Kenya Roads Board (Kenya)
  • Maria del Dado Alonso Sanchez, Group CFO, Berlin Brands Group (Spain) 
  • Milton Segal, Executive Director: Standards, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (South Africa)
  • Muhammad Samiullah Siddiqui, CFO, Oxford University Press Pakistan (Pakistan) 
  • Nancy Sau Ling Tse, JP, Independent Non-Executive Director [Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)]
  • Ichiro Waki, Group CEO, JBA Group (Japan)
  • Gloria Zvaravanhu, Managing Director, Old Mutual Insurance Company (Zimbabwe)

Member expertise is drawn upon to deliver timely reports, articles, and case studies relevant to professional accountants in business across the globe. Explore their latest insights

miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024

52. Desde TechTarget



Desfíos, casos de uso y pronósticos de inversión de IA generativa empresarial

Aunque la mitad de las organizaciones ya consideran usar IA o están en etapa de pruebas, menos del 20% ya está implementando IA generativa, revela una encuesta de ESG sobre la que hablamos en un video.

martes, 30 de enero de 2024

lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

52. Desde TechTarget



¿Qué sucede con la implementación de IoT en las empresas?

La adopción de IoT en las industrias en Chile está avanzando progresivamente. Este año se prevé que se incorpore con fuerza en Minería, Agricultura, Manufactura y en las ciudades inteligentes.

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024

3 Desde Alerta de la Fundación IFRS


17 January 2024

The meeting summary for the 5 December 2023 SME Implementation Group meeting is now available.

martes, 16 de enero de 2024

10 Desde IAASB


The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

IAASB Welcomes New & Reappointed Members

(New York, New York, January 16, 2024)

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is pleased to welcome five new members following their appointments by the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) in November 2023.

  • Sami Alshorafa is the Deputy for Supervision, Capital Market Authority Saudi Arabia, where he is based. He leads the supervision of listed entities' financial statements, auditors, and governance as well as compliance of collective investment schemes. He has also worked as an audit partner at two of the big four audit firms.
Mr. Alshorafa: “Being part of the IAASB constitutes an excellent opportunity for accountants and specialists from different backgrounds and different geographical jurisdictions to come together with one main objective in mind, which is serving the public interest of the capital markets by cooperating in the development of high-quality auditing standards.”

  • Hernán Casinelli is the Chair of the Accounting and Assurance Standards Board of Argentina, where he is based. He has held positions as a member of the International Accounting Standards Board’s SME Implementation Group and the IAASB's ISA for LCEs’ Reference Group.
Mr. Casinelli: “I look forward to working in the public interest to develop standards that enhance confidence in corporate reporting. I am certainly joining the IAASB at an exciting and challenging time.”

  • Vishal Doshi is a Council member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is also the Vice Chair of ICAI’s Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and a partner in K C Mehta & Co LLP, in India, where he is based.
Mr. Doshi: “The IAASB plays a very important role in global standards setting and I am looking forward to contributing towards the IAASB' s objectives to meet stakeholders’ expectations and serve public interest.”

  • Robert Koethner is the retired Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, a role he held for more than 20 years. During his career, he worked closely with audit firms as well as governance bodies, including supervisory boards and audit committees, on an international scale. He is based in Germany.
Mr. Koethner: As a former Chief Accounting Officer for a publicly listed and globally operating company I am looking forward to share my experience from a preparers side with my fellow board members to deliver international high-quality auditing standards.”

  • Chrystelle Richard is Associate Professor in Accounting, ESSEC Business School, and is based in France. Dr. Richard teaches financial accounting and sustainable reporting in bachelor, master, and executive programs. Her primary research interests focus on firms' oversight and new forms of economic governance, including public-private partnerships and financial industry regulation.
Dr. Richard: “I feel very privileged to serve the IAASB at such an exciting time. The challenges of sustainability as well as technological developments present the IAASB with an ambitious and demanding agenda in 2024 and beyond. I am deeply honored to provide my academic expertise to the IAASB, and I am fully committed to serve it with the highest sense of the public interest.”

The IAASB is also pleased to share that two members were re-appointed by the PIOB for terms that also began on January 1, 2024:

  • Edo Kienhuis is PwC’s Global Standards Leader and a partner in the Audit and Assurance practice in Amsterdam, where he is a member of the National Office Methodology team and serves as an engagement quality review partner on several listed entities; and
  • Wendy Stevens is the National Practice Leader for Quality & Risk Management (QRM) at Mazars in the US, the Mazars Group International Quality Management leader, and a member of the Mazars Group QRM Board.

10 Desde IESBA


The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants

IESBA Welcomes New and Re-Appointed Members

(New York, NY, January 15, 2024)

On January 1, 2024, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) welcomed three new members following their appointments by the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) in November 2023.

  • Tomoyo Imura (Japan), Director, Member of the Board, and Member of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.

 "I am honored to join the IESBA,’ said Ms. Imura. “I am eager to contribute to the enhancement of the IESBA standards, adapting them to the evolving global landscape. I firmly believe that maintaining an ethical mindset will be increasingly vital in the future."

“'The societal expectations from today’s sustainability and technology-driven world of business and finance to have higher standards of ethics and integrity are rising,” said Mr. Singh. “The relevance of ethics in the financial world deserves center stage and needs greater public discourse. IESBA is playing a pivotal role in this space. It is a privilege to join the IESBA’s Board and contribute to its public interest work.”

  • David Wray (France), retiring from Huawei, Global Finance, and current Board Member, International CFO Alliance (ICFOA)
“It is a genuine privilege to join IESBA at this important time of profound change for the accountancy profession and its global community of stakeholders,” said Mr. Wray.  “From the connectivity and digitalization of financial and sustainability information to technologies that stand ready to fundamentally change what we do as finance and audit professionals and how we do it, it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be part of this exciting journey. As an international finance leader, I look forward to helping shape the global profession and ensuring a transparent, connected, equitable, and level playing field for everyone globally, underpinned by the IESBA Code.”

The IESBA also welcomes the reappointments of:

  • Saadiya Adam (South Africa), Senior Professional Manager for Standards at the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) in South Africa
  • Vania Borgerth (Brazil), Retired accountant, a PhD Candidate in Accountancy, Fucape Business School, Brazil; and Deputy Coordinator of International Relations at CBPS, the Brazilian Committee for Sustainability Pronouncements
  • Sung-Nam Kim (Republic of Korea), Currently a non-partner advisor of EY Korea and a former Executive Auditor of the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants (KICPA)
  • Andrew Mintzer (United States of America) a principal at Hemming Morse LLP, providing forensic accounting services, and
  • Luigi Nisoli (Italy), Partner and Director of Independence at Deloitt

“It gives me great pleasure to welcome Tomoyo, Amarjeet, and David to the IESBA, and I congratulate Saadiya, Vania, Sung-Nam, Andy, and Luigi on their reappointments,” said IESBA Chair Gabriela Figueiredo Dias. “The challenges ahead for IESBA are significant as we take on issues of global importance, like ethics in sustainability reporting and assurance, accounting firm culture and governance, and the expansion of the scope of the Code. To meet these challenges, we’ve set aggressive targets and made global commitments. We know the opportunities ahead are great when we lead with ethics. By bringing in three new perspectives, and three new voices, we grow as a Board. By keeping the voices of Saadiya, Vania, Sung-Nam, Andy, and Luigi, we bring continuity and “board” knowledge alongside their valued input and deep understanding of our issues.  I look forward to all the diverse and unique insights as they will all add to IESBA’s knowledge base and help guide our strategic thinking.”

sábado, 13 de enero de 2024

52. Desde TechTarget



La modernización de aplicaciones permite acelerar el negocio

Conozca cuatro pasos que debe considerar para gestionar su deuda técnica y establecer una estrategia efectiva de modernización de aplicaciones que le permita hacer su organización más ágil y eficiente.

lunes, 1 de enero de 2024