martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

Desde Observatorio ITESM

La economía colaborativa y su influencia en la academia

La economía colaborativa o 'gig economy' revolucionó la industria del servicio, pero ha generado serias consecuencias para los trabajadores que participan en ella y ahora ha llegado a las instituciones educativas.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Desde IFRS Alert

IASB® Update September 2019

The Board met on 25 September 2019 to discuss:
  1. how to present the exposure draft that on 24 July 2019 the Board instructed the staff to prepare for balloting; and
  2. the number of illustrative examples of statement(s) of financial performance that should be included in the exposure draft in order to illustrate the Board’s proposals.
The Board tentatively decided to:
  1. present the exposure draft as a [draft] new IFRS Standard rather than as amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. Twelve Board members agreed and two disagreed with this decision.
  2. reduce to a handful the number of examples of the statement(s) of financial performance illustrating the Board’s proposals for subtotals. (This tentative decision supersedes the tentative decision made by the Board at its meeting in November 2018.) Twelve Board members agreed and two disagreed with this decision.