viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Desde HBR

Today’s Tip 
Is Your Team Focused on the Right Priorities?
In the first months of the Covid-19 crisis, many teams were grappling with the new reality of working from home. Now that it seems that many will be working remotely for the foreseeable future, it’s a good time to take stock of whether your teams are still focused on the right priorities. Ask your team leaders to evaluate their short and long-term objectives: Are they still relevant to your current situation? They’ll likely need to make some adjustments — teams that are still operating as they did six months ago may be cause for concern. Make sure you assess the team’s adjusted priorities against any revised company projections: Do their scope, output, and timing still make sense given the new reality? If not, determine whether the team’s work can be shifted to create value in the current environment, or whether you need to reorganize to meet new needs. Regular check-ins on your team’s priorities increase the chance that you’ll identify small problems early, allowing you to ensure they don’t become big issues later.
This tip is adapted from How to Prepare Your Virtual Teams for the Long Haul,” by Mark Mortensen and Constance Noonan Hadley

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