lunes, 11 de enero de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Do You Really Hate Your New Job, or Is It Just Growing Pains?
Starting a new job is exciting — but it doesn't always go according to plan. What should you do if you find yourself feeling disappointed in the first few weeks of your new gig? First, remember no matter your previous experience, you’re likely to encounter tasks or processes that you're not prepared for. Don't panic. A learning curve is inevitable and rarely means you're actually unqualified for the role. Instead, assume that learning is part of getting acclimated and ask for help when you need it. It may be useful to keep a running log of your performance so that you can determine whether you’re actually making progress. Second, one of the hardest things to figure out during the interview process is the company’s underlying values and whether they match with yours. This can take time to assess, so don’t jump to conclusions. But keep an eye on it because a lack of fit with your values is often hard to remedy. If these issues persist six months into your new job, it may be time to make another change. In that case, don't let fear hold you back. Sometimes things just don't work out.
This tip is adapted from Give It Time Before Deciding You Hate Your New Job,” by Art Markman

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