martes, 13 de abril de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Avoid These Mistakes When Responding to Employee Activism
Leaders tend to be ill-equipped to handle politically or socially outspoken employees. But with employee activism on the rise, you need to be wary of mishandling your response. As a manager, do your best to avoid these three common mistakes.
  1. Dismissing activism as unnecessarily disruptive behavior. Take seriously the possibility that you may be out of touch if a particular movement doesn’t resonate with you — and make an effort to listen and learn from your employees instead.
  2. Believing you can be apolitical. Inaction or silence is not neutral, it’s a statement. It also opens you up to criticism on the very issue you may be hoping to avoid. You have a responsibility to respond, one way or another.
  3. Rushing to quick fixes. To avoid the quick-fixes trap, have your executive team discuss your organization’s approach to employee activism as part of your strategic plan. Being proactive, not just reactive, can help to avoid panicked responses.
This tip is adapted from The Wrong Way to Respond to Employee Activism,” by Megan Reitz et al.

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