martes, 20 de abril de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Are Your Mental Health Benefits

Culturally Appropriate?

Many companies have pledged to better support their Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC) employees, particularly when it comes to mental health. To make good on this commitment, ensure your company is offering services that meet these employees’ unique mental health needs. This requires two key elements: First, your benefits must be easily accessible, culturally responsive, flexible — and most importantly — delivered by racially diverse providers. Second, make sure your employees who need access to these benefits know about them. You might partner with BIPOC employee resource or affinity groups to get the word out. These are often communities where employees feel safe discussing mental health and race-based stress, which is a unique and pervasive burden for many BIPOC employees. It’s on you, as a leader, to tailor benefits to meet these specific needs.
This tip is adapted from Are You Offering the Mental Health Benefits Your BIPOC Employees Need?,” by Andrea Holman and Joe Grasso

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