jueves, 26 de agosto de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Stay Visible When You’re Working Remotely
If you plan to work remotely full-time — or most of the time — how can you stay visible while the rest of your colleagues are in the office? Here are four ways to ensure that you’re viewed as an equally valued contributor:
  1. Make sure you’re meeting or even exceeding deadlines. While the pandemic may have decreased stigma about working from home, some leaders who return to the office may revert back to old stereotypes about remote workers “goofing off.” So communicate early and often to create a perception of rock solid reliability.
  2. Maintain social connections. You won’t be able to build relationships through informal hallway conversation or a spontaneous lunch break. Try inviting colleagues to one-on-one video chats or hosting a virtual networking event.
  3. Make yourself physically visible. This means keeping your camera on whenever possible.
  4. Ensure you’re easy to work with. Have explicit conversations with your colleagues about communication preferences. Do they find phone calls to be the most efficient way to connect? Or do they prefer email? Slack? Make sure you understand how — and when — they expect to be able to reach you.
This tip is adapted from Staying Visible When Your Team Is in the Office…But You’re WFH,” by Dorie Clark

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