jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Desde HBR

Keep Encouraging Your Employees to Learn

The best way for organizations to drive the business forward is to make sure that employees are continually learning. What can managers do to encourage learning? When you’re hiring, look for people who have demonstrated that they’re lifelong learners. Then look for services that provide up-to-date, relevant content on a wide variety of topics. Don’t worry if your employees want to learn something that’s not directly related to their job. By learning something new, no matter what it is, they’re practicing the skill of learning, which is invaluable. Plus, you never know how learning an unrelated skill can help down the road. But do take an active role in partnering with your employees to figure out the skills they need to develop based on business goals. And don’t forget to encourage and reward people who demonstrate quick adaptive learning.

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