lunes, 18 de julio de 2022

Desde ISSB International Sustainability Standards Board


Dear stakeholder,


IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board consultation closing on 29 July 2022

With less than a month remaining to provide feedback on the Draft IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, I write to encourage your organisation to comment, should it not have already

The ISSB was established to develop a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for capital markets. The consultation is on the ISSB’s first two proposed standards. One sets out general sustainability-related disclosure requirements, and the other specifies climate-related disclosure requirements.

The draft standards, as well as information on how to submit comments ahead of the deadline on Friday 29 July, can be found on the IFRS Foundation website, at this link. 

While the ISSB welcomes feedback on each of the questions posed, you are welcome to limit your response to individual questions, thereby prioritising feedback on topics most relevant and important to you and your organisation.

Every comment the ISSB receives is valuable to the future development of the standards. Your balanced feedback, be it to agree, disagree, or provide analysis on approaches within the exposure drafts, is critical for developing a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for the capital markets.

A key area the ISSB is keen to hear your perspective on is the industry-based requirements in Appendix B of the draft climate standard. These are an important part of the climate proposals. Please note that there is no need to comment on all 68 industry volumes – please focus comments on those industries most relevant to you.

I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to respond to other open consultations on sustainability disclosure, such as the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG, open until 8 August 2022), because the feedback provided to EFRAG and the ISSB will inform how the ISSB establishes a global baseline of sustainability disclosures for the capital markets. Providing even high-level feedback on such consultations can be helpful.

Finally, the ISSB’s inaugural Board Meeting will take place on 20-21 July, and we encourage you and your colleagues to join the live stream of this meeting, to stay informed as IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards are developed. Please visit this link for more information on the meeting agenda, papers and instructions on how to join the meeting. Recordings will also be posted there following the meeting.

Thank you for your consideration. I hope that we can count on your feedback.

Sue Lloyd
International Sustainability Standards Board

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