viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022

4 Desde HBR

 Management Tip of the Day

Today’s Tip 
Bring Intention to Your One-on-One Meetings

The best managers recognize that one-on-one meetings aren’t an add-on to their role—they’re foundational to it. So, how can you make the most out of your face time with your direct reports?
  • Set the tone. The mood and attention you bring to a meeting is contagious, so start out with energy, optimism, and focus. Turn off notifications and be present. Remind yourself as the meeting begins that it’s fundamentally about your employee’s needs, performance, and engagement.
  • Actively listen more than you talk. Display genuine interest and acknowledge whatever your employee is bringing to the table. Ask questions to clarify and constructively challenge them. Stay vigilant about your body language and reactions to ensure that you’re creating a welcoming, safe, judgment-free space.
  • Add your perspective. Once you’ve listened, give honest and specific feedback. Engage in collaborative problem solving by truly understanding the issue at hand, gathering information, identifying root causes, and creating a solution that you both feel good about.
  • End well. Clarify takeaways and action items for both parties, including how you’ll support next steps. This will help build continuity between meetings and allow for needed follow-up.
This tip is adapted from Make the Most of Your One-on-One Meetings,” by Steven G. Rogelberg

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