este documento nos abocaremos a estudiar un tema muchas veces
“olvidado” en materia de negocios inmobiliarios de construcción en los
cuales se involucra a un contrato de fideicomiso; seguramente porque, en
realidad, no debe estar siempre presente en las estructuras fiduciarias
y, de hecho, bien podría llamar a la reflexión de quién deba practicar
las registraciones independientemente de si estamos o no trabajando con
este tipo de estructuras quedando, muchas veces (y hasta
lamentablemente), “fuera del radar del analista del negocio” debido a
que, en lo particular de las estructuras...
three-decade infrastructure investment boom shows few signs of abating.
Is China's economic growth a consequence of its purposeful investment?
Is China a prodigy in delivering infrastructure from which rich
democracies could learn? The prevalent view in economics literature and
policies derived from it is that a high level of infrastructure
investment is a precursor to economic growth. China is especially held
up as a model to emulate. Politicians in rich democracies display awe
and envy of the scale of infrastructure Chinese leaders are able to
build. Based on the largest dataset...
Shingo who distinguished himself as one of the world’s thought leaders
in building operational excellence. Dr. Shingo has been described as an
“engineering genius” who helped us to understand the concepts, systems,
and techniques that, under his tutelage, became fundamental to the
renowned Toyota Production System, often referrede to now as the Toyota
Business System. The Shingo Principles of Operational Excellence are:
1.- Respect every individual; 2.-Lead with humility; 3; Seek perfection;
4.- Assure quality at the source; 5.- Flow and pull value; 6.- Embrace
Scientific Thinking;...
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