viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Use Your Social Network to Promote Equity and Inclusion
If you're looking for ways to actively champion women and people of color, consider using a powerful tool you already have: your social network. There are two simple ways you can use your network to be a better ally and promote equity in your workplace. First, show your support by broadcasting anti-racist, anti-sexist values. Research has shown that when you post on social media, you're reaching much farther than your immediate contacts. Little by little, you can help to create a new norm when your friends and colleagues see that you believe in and live those values. Second, empower and back up women and people of color by actively including them in your network. Introduce them to people who they might otherwise find difficult to meet, or proactively forward opportunities that they might otherwise miss. It’s important to use your privilege to promote equity. And your social network can be effectively deployed in your anti-racism and anti-sexism efforts.
This tip is adapted from Use Your Social Network as a Tool for Social Justice,” by Raina Brands and Aneeta Rattan

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