martes, 5 de enero de 2016

Desde HBR

January 05, 2016

Make a Graceful Exit from Conference Small Talk

Making small talk with a roomful of strangers isn’t for the faint of heart. So it’s understandable when someone clings to the first person they see at a conference. But what if you’re the person they cling to? Here’s how to get away without hurting their feelings:
  • Introduce them to someone else. If the person has something in common with a colleague of yours, make a friendly introduction, highlight their common interest, and then move on.
  • Ask who else you should meet.Steer the conversation toward who the person has already met. If they mention someone interesting, ask if they will make an introduction for you.
  • Level with them. Say: “It’s been fantastic hearing about your new project, but I should keep moving. One of my goals for the conference is to get better at networking. Great to meet you!” Telling them why you’re moving on will soften the blow.

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