miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Talk About Imposter Syndrome with Your Team
Feelings of imposter syndrome are common in many workplaces, especially among women, people of color, and people with disabilities who are often made to feel like they don’t belong. This is a problem that you, as a leader, can’t ignore. Addressing the issue starts with having a conversation and listening — really listening — to your employees. Consider setting up a meeting where people are encouraged to share their experiences of imposter syndrome, and, to lead by example, share your own experiences as well. Highlight the conditions that triggered that feeling in you, such as chronic underrepresentation, uncredited work efforts, and microaggressions. If you haven't experienced imposter syndrome, say that, and consider what conditions allowed you to feel like you've always belonged. Likewise, probe your team members more about their experiences at the company that led them to discount their success or feel like an undercover outsider. Be honest about how biases in the way we talk about "presence," competence, and leadership can make people feel like they don't have a seat at the table. As a leader, it’s on you to make a conscious effort to create a culture where people don’t feel like imposters.
This tip is adapted from End Imposter Syndrome in Your Workplace,” by Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey

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