martes, 6 de julio de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
How to Manage an Overconfident Underperformer
Almost every leader has been in the uncomfortable position of managing someone who thinks their performance is terrific … when it’s not. If you fail to address the situation, the person’s work won’t improve. So start by being clear about expectations, and pointing out specific areas to work on. Set aside some time to mentor, supervise, and constructively help your employee recognize their deficits. This doesn't mean micromanaging them — you’re making sure they have the resources and support to do their job. Be discerning with praise. It's important to recognize their good work, but overstating their performance runs the risk of sending mixed messages. If your employee doesn't seem willing to accept support and continues to insist that they’re doing just fine, you need to ask yourself whether you want to continue investing in them. If not, consider reassigning their work to someone else. Sometimes reducing a person’s responsibilities can also help them become more successful.
This tip is adapted from Managing an Underperformer Who Thinks They’re Doing Great,” by Liz Kislik

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