viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Support Your Team Through the Weirdness of This Moment
Our personal and professional lives have collided during the Covid-19 pandemic, and nearly everyone is going through some sort of life disruption right now. It’s a new territory for many managers, who are trying to help team members navigate these transitions in a way that doesn’t upend their work lives. What role should you play at this time when employees may need you more than ever? First, provide a calm, empathetic perspective. Simply tell your people, "You will get through this," and remind them that big life changes always have a beginning, middle, and end. You might even encourage them to identify a ritual to mark the moment and signal that they're ready for what comes next. This might include taking a vacation, doing a digital detox, or embarking on a special creative project unrelated to work. Finally, encourage — but don’t pressure — team members to open up about their challenges. When people share difficult experiences, their blood pressure, heart rate, and other physiological functions rise in the short term, but then fall to below where they were before — and remain there for weeks. Solidarity and openness can be cathartic, so encourage this kind of closeness on your team.
This tip is adapted from Managing Someone Whose Life Has Been Upended,” by Bruce Feiler

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