lunes, 5 de julio de 2021

4 Desde HBR


Today’s Tip 
Create an Inclusive Culture for Your Hybrid Team
When the pandemic began, many of us transitioned from office life to working from home in a matter of days. But the return to the office will likely look different, with many teams becoming a “hybrid” of in-person and remote colleagues. So how can managers ensure that everyone feels equally included and valued in meetings? First, resist the bias toward in-house feedback. Elicit contributions from your remote employees before people in the room, and solicit input outside of the meeting itself. You can email the team questions like “What might we have missed in our last discussion?” or set up one-on-ones with people who might have a harder time speaking up. Finally, mix up your regular meetings. For example, you might rotate who hosts, giving remote employees a chance to lead the meeting. Encourage each host to come up with an icebreaker or “check-in” exercise — this small act can invigorate a distanced team. And make sure to continue virtual check-ins and social occasions to sustain team camaraderie. Being inclusive of all of your team members, regardless of their location, is imperative to your team’s wellbeing.
This tip is adapted from Do Your Remote Employees Feel Included in Meetings?,” by Erica Dhawan

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